Friend of a Friend
Friend of a Friend Podcast
Friend of a Friend, Episode 3: Chad Hutchinson, poet and 'mixtape chapbook artist'

Friend of a Friend, Episode 3: Chad Hutchinson, poet and 'mixtape chapbook artist'

On nostalgia, nature, and taking the time to slow down...
Chad Hutchinson and his sister April Hutchinson Douglas in the ‘80s

Chad Hutchinson started writing poetry during the pandemic, and since then he’s started his own Substack, Transmissions from the Future, and been published in The Coneflower Cafe, Thimble Literary Magazine, and The Unfinished Jigsaw. Many of his poems cast a magical spell over the details of everyday life; others are drenched with a nostalgia for the simple pleasures of childhood.

Chad is a person who has learned to live life on his own terms. By his own admission he has reinvented himself multiple times, leaving his full-time job as a social worker to do it part-time, doing stints as a substitute teacher, Census worker, and even an extra on Friday Night Lights.

I met Chad through a webforum dedicated to the films of Wes Anderson and an assortment of related topics. The members were a super bunch of people— smart, funny and kind. Many of us have stayed in touch, and it’s been fun to follow their paths and cheer each other on.

On this episode we’ll hear about Chad’s most recent re-invention into a writer, a nature-lover, and someone who takes time out to be still and observe. We’ll hear some of his poems. And we will consider the importance of giving your attention to the small things.

Theme at top of show:
”The Wolf” from Never Get Lost For Long
by Ali Berkok

Playout theme:
Royalty Free Ukulele: CareFree Ukulele

Chad and I meeting in person, c.2004

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Friend of a Friend
Friend of a Friend Podcast
Talking to my friends who make music, art, and beautiful lives